Thursday, December 18, 2008

out in the open

Have you ever heard the expresion "whats under the mask?" Everyone has an alter ego. for example, mine are:

for FR2:
Super Big Mac;

for Blogger:
Naruto fanguy 369;

for Multiple Games (Dragon Fable, Adventure Quest, etc.):

That's a lot of things right? well, that's only half of all of the usernames that I have. and you know what? not one of those things actualy captures the real me. I am as real as anyone else, and someone off in India who has never used a computer or watched T.V. is just as real as those of us who live in a world where our whole lives are spent playing video games, pouring our hearts out just to get to that next level, or sitting in front of the T.V. watching what ever's on until our eyes bleed.

I'm here to say that I'm not one of those people (usualy), but someone who likes a lot of different things, like:
Playing cards
Watching movies/playing games with the whole family
Fred Fred Burger